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Students Unite in Creative Makerspace Project

Computer Integrated Manufacturing

Nov 7, 2022

Chester Elementary School and Chester Academy demonstrated true collaborative teamwork! Juniors and seniors with Mr. Rodman’s Mechatronics class teamed up with Mrs. Rende’s 2nd grade class today to create vinyl cut outs of words, images, and symbols that represent different Perspectives of what a makerspace is. Our highschoolers taught our elementary students how to create, cut, and apply transfer tape their design using the software, vinyl cutters, and tools. #WeAreOneCUFSD

Chester Elementary School and Chester Academy demonstrated true collaborative teamwork! Juniors and seniors with Mr. Rodman’s Mechatronics class teamed up with Mrs. Rende’s 2nd grade class today to create vinyl cut outs of words, images, and symbols that represent different Perspectives of what a makerspace is. Our highschoolers taught our elementary students how to create, cut, and apply transfer tape their design using the software, vinyl cutters, and tools. #WeAreOneCUFSD

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