Implementing a Standards-Based Curricula for a Global Society
A rapid shift from the traditional industries developed during the Industrial Revolution to an economy primarily focused on information technology occurred during the Age of Information. People from all areas of life now have more immediate access to knowledge and develop skills that were previously difficult or impossible to attain. Now more opportunities and resources are accessible so everyone may flourish, regardless of their community's, state's, or nation's economic position. Thus, production and commercial transactions have drastically increased in the communication and manufacturing sectors throughout the world. However, the public education system in the United States continues to not prepare students to succeed in this new economic society. The system notices how these technological advancements could enable more students to perform above and beyond their ability by utilizing digital devices, software, and apps. Fragments of this system comprehend that lifelong learning is emerging as the new goal, the one-size-fits-all approach is delaying student development, and students primarily focus on their academic performance, not their own development.
To encourage these developments, detect and correct student learning gaps, and foster economic growth, the US government took the initiative to establish particular sets of academic standards. Then, to further help, the required and overseen assessments closely matched these requirements. Each standard provides a short, detailed explanation of what students should understand and be able to perform at a certain point in their schooling. The standards promote challenging content, requiring teachers to produce opportunities for students to grow their knowledge, attitudes, and skills while utilizing higher-order thinking abilities. They help students establish practical technological skills, develop problem-solving abilities, promote communication strategies, become self-managed and self-aware, and have the capacity to analyze, exchange, and comprehend information, data, and ideas. They also assist in autonomous and group work.
Building and district curriculum leaders perform quinquennial program reviews in each content area to guarantee the best implementation of current standards, ongoing development, and subject relevance. A committee of appointed district directors, student service providers, lead and content teachers, parents, and students participated in this review. Ad hoc members from surrounding public and private colleges, unions, businesses, industries, and alums also make up the committee. Each committee member will provide useful information, fresh ideas, and unique viewpoints to this review process.
The program review comprises the evaluation, planning, implementation, and monitoring phases. To enhance students' development of career and global readiness skills, knowledge, and attitudes, the committee will evaluate the current curriculum and assess the level of compliance with international, national, and state standards during the evaluation phase. The committee will also examine current programs' alignment and identify gaps. The planning stage offers committee members templates and professional development in curriculum writing. The committee formulates objectives to close any gaps found. During the implementation phase, teachers put the planned action plan into practice by becoming familiar with the new curriculum through professional development supported by a committee and professional learning communities. Finally, the committee will acquire and review data, student work, and observations concerning instruction in the monitor phase to assess the curriculum's efficacy and determine if it complies with the standards.
Curriculum leaders will put excellent, standards-based curricula into place throughout their building and district by working together, providing practical professional development, and having open discussions.